We place communications and capacity building at the heart of public, policy and behaviour change needed to advance action on environment and sustainable development.
Build Discussions
We ensure greater focus on issues of environment, climate and development by creating and maintaining evidence based discussions on various platforms. Our aim is to enhance public understanding and inform policy decisions on these issues.
Balancing development and environmental action is a complex challenge for India and requires many minds to think together. Therefore, we collaborate with diverse stakeholders and leverage our collective strengths to identify innovative and creative solutions to advance sustainable development.
This is at the heart of all that we do. We spend time and effort in defining a problem statement and identifying tools and tactics that would create the greatest impact. We apply a strategic lens to everything we do, whether it’s building discussions, plugging research gaps, or building capacity.
Build Capacity
We educate and empower various stakeholders such as the civil society organisations, to improve discussions on environment, climate and development. We share important research, analysis and reports in a simplified way, as well as conduct trainings to better understand environmental issues, policies and gaps.
We are experts at breaking down complex science, research, and environmental issues into easily understandable formats. Our endevour is to simplify the environment and development conversation for better understanding among the public, as well as translate scientific solutions in an actionable format for policy makers.
We don’t believe in reinventing the wheel, but focus on identifying gaps that exist in available science and research. Our research, analyses and studies are simple and concise yet effective in highlighting new issues and angles to existing environmental challenges, aimed at building evidence based discussions on specific topics.
We connect the dots between stresses to our environment, impacts of a changing climate, and solutions from everyone who has a stake in it.
Climate Impacts
India is the 5th most vulnerable country to climate change impacts, which have become more pronounced in the last decade. Cyclones, floods, changing weather patterns, droughts, heat and cold waves, sea level rise, warming oceans – these are the realities of today. We bring forth evidence and science that links these impacts to climate change.Climate Policy and Regulations
India has committed to a net zero target by 2070, but our policies and climate actions are only compatible with a 2 degree temperature rise. India needs to do more in balancing climate action and sustainable development. We work with central and state governments to encourage bolder commitments and policies in support of climate action.Energy Transition
Moving away from fossil fuels is central to achieving a low carbon economy and India’s net zero commitment. This means transitioning to renewable sources across sectors like energy, transport, industries, and businesses. We work towards building narratives that make a strong case for a transition away from fossil fuels.Air Quality Management
India is home to 14 of the world’s most polluted cities in the world, and air pollution is the largest health risk factor for its citizens. What was once a winter phenomenon restricted to northern India, is today a year long issue across the country. We bring greater focus on issues of air pollution into mainstream discussions to build public awareness and demand better action from governments.Climate and Social Inclusion
Climate change is a threat multiplier, worsening existing vulnerabilities and injustices. Therefore, climate action must adopt a social centric approach which benefits the marginalised communities most affected by climate impacts as well as the clean energy transition. We work to connect climate conversations with social issues like gender equality, social justice, women empowerment, health and more.E-Mobility
Electrifying the transport sector solves two fundamental developmental challenges for India – it reduces air pollution by bringing down carbon emissions and other pollutants, and it contributes to achieving India’s net zero target. We build narratives to bust myths about electric vehicles and encourage their adoption among consumers, and engage state governments in improving policy design and implementation.OUR VIDEOS
We explore and connect with issues at the grassroot level. Watch our videos to learn more.
A citizen science project to highlight Mumbai's air pollution
Mumbai is the most polluted coastal city in India, and Maharashtra has the maximum number of polluted cities listed under the Clean Air Mission. We conducted an experiment to highlight the ground realities of the levels of pollution Mumbai’s citizens are exposed to when traveling in a train, bus, car, and bike. Watch to know how your choice of transport impacts your lungs in Mumbai .
Meet the Mitanin - Korba's new air pollution warriors
In Chhattisgarh, the State Health Resource Centre is implementing a unique pilot project in Korba – a mining district in the state. They are training healthcare workers or Mitanin as messengers of air pollution and health, by measuring pollution levels and communicating its impact on the health of the community, particularly women and children.
A toxic childhood
In an effort to document that whether children are safely at home or in their school environment, in a posh Delhi neighbourhood or a more exposed hotspot location of the city, there is no respite for them. Our team hooked up low cost air quality monitors in the children’s school bags across 4 locations in the city and tracked the levels while they were at home.
Coal Couture
Coal Couture is Baaraan Ijlal’s artistic representation of the cost children have to pay for our carbon-intensive lifestyles. The project showcases 6 objects belonging to six kids from across the world, their lives and how air pollution has impacted their health.
Climate Change - A Gender Issue
Climate change is a “threat multiplier”, worsening existing vulnerabilities and injustices. Its effects on people is different, based on race, gender, class, and socio-economic status. Watch this video to learn how women are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than men.
Coal Vs Renewable Energy | Financial Analysis 2021
At COP26, India announced its objectives to reach net zero by 2070. In addition, the country aims to install 500 GW of non-fossil capacity by 2030, 450 GW of which would come…
Impact of Climate Change on Various Businesses and Industries
Recognizing the importance of industry to the people and economy of the state of Maharashtra, Climate Trends commissioned a baseline importance of industry…
Recommendations to Improve Maharashtra's EV Policy design
Maharashtra announced its Electric Vehicles policy in July 2021, making its ambition clear to become a global leader in EVs. Since its launch making its ambition clear…
Uttar Pradesh Survey
As Uttar Pradesh goes to polls in February 2022, a perception survey among its citizens showed that climate action by political parties could sway their voting preference…
Economic Impacts of Changing Monsoon Patterns In India
Monsoon is a key influencer in the Indian economy, with over 40% of the country's sown area dependent on rain-fed irrigation. With the changing climate, sowing windows have been altered and, in some cases, farmers are replacing their crops. This webinar will discuss the economic impacts of changing monsoon patterns, its link to climate change, and changes in agricultural practices resulting from it.
For more details, click here
Green Taxonomy for India
With the European Union voting for gas and nuclear to be included in the green taxonomy, what does it signal to the rest of the world—especially India? Join a Twitter Space discussion to learn more.
Set a reminder for this upcoming Space!UPCOMING EVENTS
Climate Finance for Climate Tech Start-ups
India has taken great strides in implementing policies and programs to address climate change, especially in the clean energy sector. Climate tech start-ups could play a crucial role in helping India meet its climate goals through innovation. A climate specific thrust would go a long way in supporting climate tech startups.
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The Way Forward For Loss and Damage
Countries like India and Bangladesh are among the top 10 most affected nations from the impacts of climate change. These high climate vulnerabilities put millions of people at risk of displacement, loss of life, property, livelihood and diseases. The concept of Loss and Damage is receiving increasing focus in debates between developed and developing nations, with little progress or commitment to shell out funding by the developed world. This webinar brings together experts from India and Bangladesh to share their views on operationalise loss and damage finance to protect vulnerable regions like the Sundarbans
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Crop residue burning: Discussing solutions
As we come close to the winter season, this event in CHandigarh brings together scientists, agriculture and policy experts, and politicians to discuss the probably solutions to crop residue burning in north west India.
Venue: ICSSR Seminar Hall, Punjab University, Chandigarh
Times: 10AM - 4.30PM
We’d like to hear from you on ways to save our climate.