Climate Trends

Current market trends and best practices for zero emission trucks in India: Recommendations for Maharashtra

India’s ambitious goal to reduce emissions its transport sector depends significantly on prioritising public transport and freight systems. Moving freight is essential to India’s economic growth and trucks are a critical part of logistics. India recognises the need to adopt zero emission trucks and is working towards addressing challenges of ecosystem and infrastructure readiness, cost parity with diesel trucks, awareness of the technology and behavioural change amongst fleet owners. The journey can be accelerated through supportive programmes at the state level. This report presents the current scenario of electric trucks in India, their feasibility, benefits, global and national best practices, and solutions that can support the electrification of heavy duty trucks in Maharashtra.

Non-fiscal incentives to accelerate ev adoption

This report explores non-fiscal incentives that Telangana can implement in its EV policies to accelerate EV adoption. These recommendations are based on an analysis of existing state EV policies in India and global best practices, including those in China. Additionally, the report incorporates insights from industry players representing Telangana-based OEMs, charging, and battery-swapping companies gathered during a closed-door virtual roundtable. These insights aim to identify the most effective non-fiscal incentives to boost EV sales and consumer acceptance.

Appeals and barriers to adopting EVs

A consumer perception survey on opportunities and barriers to adoption of EVs across Tamil Nadu, brings to light high satisfaction rates amongst existing EV users, but significant barriers to greater adoption. Only one in four cab and three wheeler cargo fleets, and one in five four wheeler cargo fleets are willing to adopt EVs. High costs and inadequate charging infrastructure are the main barriers. Raising awareness about the state’s revised EV policy and effective implementation will be key to addressing barriers for consumers.

Analysis of state EV policies and their impact

India has made notable progress towards accelerating e-mobility in the country. Along with the national level FAME II scheme, 26 States have released electric vehicle policies that aim to increase EV adoption and encourage manufacturing of EVs and its components. This analysis assesses the comprehensiveness of state EV policies based on the various incentives they offer, draws a comparison among all policies to facilitate peer to peer learning, and also assesses the impact of state policies that have been active for two years or more. it aims to support states in identifying important gaps in their policies, and provide recommendations to address these when these policies are revised.

Reduction in carbon emissions from electrification of road transport in Tamil nadu by 2030

This study assesses the future sales growth in two, three and four wheeler vehicles in Tamil Nadu by 2030, and presents the reduction in carbon emissions from electrification in these vehicle segments based on two scenarios. If by 2030, 5% of all vehicle sales are converted to electric, the state can save close to 36.5 million tonnes of carbon emissions. These savings go up to 38.7 million tonnes if Tamil Nadu achieves electrification of 10% of newly registered vehicles between 2022 and 2030.

Accelerating transport electrification in India by 2030

This report, in partnership with JMK Research & Analytics, estimates EV sales projections for 2030 across two, three, four wheelers and buses, and the subsequent charging station requirement to support those EVs. It highlights that at the current growth rate of EVs, India may only reach 5 crore EV sales by 2030. This is 40% less than the EV sales projected by NITI Aayog, which amounts to 8 crore EVs in absolute numbers (converting from 30% of private cars, 70% of commercial cars, 40% of buses and 80% of two and three-wheelers by 2030 to be electric). It presents 6 recommendations to accelerate EV penetration.

Recommendations for Demand Side Incentives in Tamil Nadu's EV policy

Tamil Nadu was the fourth Indian state to announce its Electric Vehicle policy in September 2019, focusing on attracting capital investments. This has ensured that Tamil Nadu leads in investments for a range of electric vehicle projects, from two-wheeler factories to battery manufacturing units. It boasts of $2.5 billion in investment commitments from Ola Electric, Ather Energy, TVS Motors and other players. While the state’s supply side incentives have achieved the desired result, there is scope to strengthen demand side incentives that help improve EV sales. This report outlines a a set of recommendations aimed at increasing adoption of three and four wheeler EVs. These recommendations incorporate learnings and case studies from EV policies of other states that are making strong progress in EV sales.  

The need for demand side subsidy for e-four wheelers in Delhi (March 2022)

In 2021, Delhi launched its Electric Vehicle policy that aims to increase EV registrations in the city to 25% of total sales by 2025, and register 5 lakh EVs by 2024. Over the last year, Delhi has become the EV capital of the country, with EVs constituting 1% of all vehicle sales, driven by the rise in 2 and 3 wheeler sales. However, four wheelers are lagging behind. This study highlights that offering demand side incentives to four wheelers can bring the upfront cost of 5 new EV models expected to be launched in 2022, within Rs 5 – 15 lakhs (a segment representing 75% of all vehicle sales). It further shows that the total cost of ownership of these EVs would be 35 – 65% cheaper than its ICE counterparts.

Recommendations to Improve Maharashtra's EV Policy design and implementation

Maharashtra announced its Electric Vehicles policy in July 2021, making its ambition clear to become a global leader in EVs. Since its launch, the state witnessed a boost in EV sales – 30% of all EVs sold across India in 2021 and one fifth of all electric two-wheeler sales in the country came from Maharashtra. To keep the momentum going, attention is needed on a few segments and implementation mechanisms. This report outlines four key recommendations to improve Maharashtra’s EV policy design and implementation. It is an outcome of a brainstorming workshop with key stakeholders of the EVs industry – manufacturers, OEMs, academic and research organisations, and CSOs. 

Status of Electric Transport Policies in 12 States of India

The paper analyses the Electric Transport policies of 12 states in India on 8 parameters, presenting the states championing the transition from combustion-based vehicles as well as laggards. Each of these 8 parameters are essential to the positive narrative around and uptake of electric vehicles in the state. The analysis points to the direction each state is taking as well as the kind of support being provided to e-mobility. Overall, it gives a good sense of what makes for an ambitious and committed EV policy.